Véronique Hivon, Social Services and Youth Protection Minister in the province of Quebec, tables her government's "Dying with Dignity" bill.
Photo Credit: Jacques Boissinot/CP

‘Dying with Dignity’ bill tabled in the province of Quebec, first in Canada

The government of the Canadian province of Quebec has tabled a bill on end of life health care.

“This legislation is intended for people at the end of their life to die with autonomy and dignity,” said Véronique Hivon, the minister responsible for ‘Dying with Dignity’. Hivon is also the Minister of Social Affairs and Youth Protection.

“Our desire is quite simple. We want to make the debate something all of society can engage in. A non-partisan issue,” she said.

“I believe we are capable of holding this debate at this time. Society is ready for it.”

The explanatory notes to the bill outline some of the limits and controls that will be part of the legislation:

A commission on end-of-life care is established under the name “Commission sur les soins de fin de vie”, as well as rules with respect to its composition and operations. The mandate of the Commission is to examine all matters relating to end-of-life care and to oversee the application of specific requirements relating to medical aid in dying.

The bill establishes an advance medical directives regime and specifies the conditions that must be met in order for such directives to have binding force.

This bill would make Quebec the first jurisdiction in Canada to have such legislation.

Later in the day Canada’s Minister of Justice Rob Nicholson released a statement on the legislation which in part says: “”The Government of Canada will review the implications of Quebec’s proposed legislation on physician-assisted suicide and euthanasia…This is a sensitive issue for many Canadians, with deeply held beliefs on both sides of the debate.”

More information:
CBC News – Quebec tables bill on medically assisted death – here
Bill 52 –  An Act respecting end-of-life care – here
Toronto Star – Quebec tables euthanasia legislation – here
Statement by the Minister of Justice on Quebec’s Proposed Legislation on Physician-Assisted Suicide and Euthanasia – here


Categories: Health, Politics

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