An Acadian dance troop performs during the opening ceremony at Congres Mondial des Acadiens in Edmundston, New Brunswick, on Aug. 8, 2014.

An Acadian dance troop performs during the opening ceremony at Congres Mondial des Acadiens in Edmundston, New Brunswick, on Aug. 8, 2014.
Photo Credit: PC / Clement Allard

Acadian Celebration in New Brunswick, Quebec and Maine, USA

The Acadian people were the earliest settlers in Canada. In the early 17th century they established farms and communities in what is now Nova Scotia and New Brunswick.

Eventually, as a result of the ongoing battles with the British in the 18th century, the French-speaking Acadians were sent into exile. It is known as the Great Upheaval.

Acadia of the lands and forests

For ten years, beginning in the summer of 1755, over 11,000 people were rounded up and put on ships to be taken to the other 13 colonies, communities down the eastern coast of the United States. Families were separated as many were forced on to France and still more to Louisiana in the southern United States. Many more Acadians fled south to what is now Maine, and west to what is now Quebec.

This dramatic era seared their identity and led to their inaugural reunion in 1881, called the National Convention of Acadians, In 1994 the decision was made to convene every five years.

In recognition of the help of the Aboriginal people, “who were fundamental to the survival of the Acadians” as it states on the website, organizers worked with the people of the Maliseet and Mi’kmaq territories in creating this year’s event.

120 original families represented

Leo-Paul Charest, executive director of the World Acadian Congress 2014, lives in Edmunston, New Brunswick, one of the host cities.  He said there are 120 families represented this year, and he emphasized the gathering is for everyone,


Prime Minister Stephen Harper spoke at the opening last Friday.  He said, “you are a living reminder that Canada was born in French”.  And he went on to acknowledge the sad history; “The fact that so many of you have gathered here today, ladies and gentlemen, with such enthusiasm and pride, is the most eloquent proof that the aspirations, sacrifices and toil of your ancestors were not in vain, and that new generations of Acadians will amaze all their compatriots for a very long time to come.”

American Henry Wadsworth Longfellow was inspired by the tragedy to write his epic poem, “Evangeline; A Tale of Acadie“.  Published in 1847, the work was eventually translated into 130 languages.

Categories: Arts & Entertainment, Indigenous, International, Politics, Society

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