Research by Morgan Stanley using OECD figures shows Canada is among the leading countries in percentage of low paying jobs.
Photo Credit: Morgan Stanley/OECD

Canada among leaders in percentage of low-paying jobs

Among wealthy countries, Canada is third in creating low-paying jobs, according to investment bank Morgan Stanley. In an analysis of data from the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), Morgan Stanley economists Ellen Zentner and Paula Campbell showed only the United States and Ireland have more of their population with low wages.

According to the data, 22 per cent of all jobs in Canada are low-paying. In the United States it’s 25 per cent.

These statistics were part of a larger study by the economists on the issue of income inequality and consumption.

More information:
Huffington Post – Canada Among World Leaders For Creating Crappy Jobs: Morgan Stanley (CHART) – here
Market Watch – Income inequality in 11 Morgan Stanley charts – here

Categories: Economy, International

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