"Merrick Butte" 18x36, oil on canvas. Vancouver's Lorn Curry is especially attracted to the badlands of the American southwest
Photo Credit: Lorn Curry Originals

Artist-painter Lorn Curry

When unexpectedly severe budget cuts struck RCI, journalist Lorn Curry suddenly found himself out of work.

His retirement plan to take up painting which was supposed to be many years away, was suddenly an option.  Although he had been dabbling in the art for a few years, he decided to take the plunge and become a full time professional artist.

Vancouver artist Lorn Curry

Lorn says working with some experts and taking courses has really helped him progress as an artist.

Of course as a journalist, Lorn was a storyteller, and perhaps unknowingly some of that goes into his works, especially the landscapes where you could easily imagine there’s a story captured within the scenes.

Lemon Stripe De Light”24×12, oil on cradled birch panel © Lorn Curry

He particularly likes the stark US southwest. As he says, when you come from a wet environment like the west coast of Canada, there’s an attraction for the dryness of the US badlands.

Of course the magnificent colours and stark beauty of the geography doesn’t help, especially with the unique light at dawn and near sunset.

He also likes still life work.

But in all cases, as he says, after a few years practice what comes out on the canvas gets closer and closer to the image you had when you started.

Gooseberry Glow”12×24, oil on cradled panel © Lorn Curry

It can safely be said that the he is certainly worth the title of professional artist.

I hope you enjoy my conversation with Vancouver painter Lorn Curry

Lorn Curry Originals

Lorn Curry Facebook

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