A hotel chain suggests vacationers cycle over snow on fat bikes which have “comically large tires” in Mont Tremblant, Quebec. (mont-tremblant.ca)

More Canadians opting for chilly vacations in Canada, says hotel chain

While many Canadians like to escape the cold winters and travel south for a vacation, a new survey suggests 60 per cent of respondents would go somewhere in Canada. This is particularly true of millennials (those graduating from school in 2000), of which 34 per cent would travel in Canada.

The InterContinental Hotel Group which commissioned the survey says millennials are embracing the cold to travel within Canada during the winter months. However, it could be that this group cannot afford to go south, given they are having more trouble finding full-time jobs.

In any case, the hotel chain has offered a list of 10 “must-try winter experiences” which, not surprisingly, are located close to its hotels.

Vacationers are told they can “pull an all-nighter exploring free cultural, musical and culinary delights at Nuit Blanche,” part of one of world’s largest winter festivals that takes place in Montreal. (Nuit blanche à Montréal, Frédérique Ménard-Aubin-EN)

One can see bald eagles which come to feast on salmon in Goldstream Provincial Park in British Columbia. (Pixabay)

One can snowshoe over hand-made trestle bridges in British Columbia’s Myra Canyon then stop for a glass of local wine. (Tourism Kelowna)

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