Photo Credit: Sam Martin/CBC

Talking about food: news and reports by RCI

You want to know more about what Canadians are eating? What’s in their plate and where is it coming from? What grows in Canada and what is the impact of agriculture on the environment? Read Radio Canada International’s reports on these topics!

Giant retailer enables food donations, limiting waste
By Lynn Desjardins | June 11, 2019

Funding will boost maple syrup exports

By Lynn Desjardins | April 12, 2019

Eating healthy food: becoming too costly?

By Marc Montgomery | April 10, 2019

Genetically modified fish: to label or not to label
By Marc Montgomery | April 16, 2019

Will Canada win the race for lab-grown “meat”?
By Marc Montgomery | February 21, 2019

Seafood mislabelled along supply chains, say researchers
By Lynn Desjardins | 13 February, 2019

Celebrating the Chinese New Year with delicious dumplings
By Marie-Claude Simard | February 11, 2019

Food bank need in Canada: unacceptably high

By Marc Montgomery | 6 February, 2019

Have a food allergy? Maybe it’s not
Marc Montgomery, 10 January 2019

Food prices to increase faster than salaries
By Lynn Desjardins, 4 December 2018

Food insecurity increases in Toronto: report

By Lynn Desjardins,  31 October 2018

Children ‘bombarded’ with junk food ads on apps
By Lynn Desjardins, 31 October 2018

Canadians going meatless

By Marc Montgomery, 30 October 2018

Organic food consumption linked to lower cancer rates
By Lynn Desjardins, 24 October 2018

Trans fats can no longer be added to foods sold in Canada
By Lynn Desjardins 17 September 2018

Plastic patch will detect e-coli in food
By Lynn Desjardins, 5 July 2018

Wild west food at the Calgary Stampede
By Marc Montgomery, 8 June 2018

Categories: Health
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