Highlights / Interview

To discover, understand and put Canadian realities into perspective.

Health, Indigenous, International

Tuberculosis fight to get $13B USD a year

The World Health Organization says TB is the world’s deadliest infectious disease which infected 10 million people in 2017 and killed 1.6 million. The disease is caused by bacteria, is contagious and predominantly affects the lungs. World leaders meeting at »

Health, International, Internet, Science & Technology

World first: blasting heart blockages

Innovation in medical procedure (video illustration at bottom) A new Canadian invention has been used to clear blocked heart arteries. The new technology has been used successfully for the first time at the McGill University Health Centre (MUHC). Dr. Stéphane »

Health, Society

Publicly-funded drug plan under consideration

Canada is the only industrialized nation which has a publicly-funded, universal health care system but no national plan to cover medications. Some Canadian provinces and territories subsidize drug costs to varying degrees, sometimes to specific groups like seniors or low-income »

Immigration & Refugees, International

Venezuelan exodus causes unprecedented humanitarian crisis in Colombia, WFP warns

Colombia is facing an unprecedented crisis as thousands of people from Venezuela continue to cross the border every day to escape the country’s economic collapse that has brought lack of food, medicine, other basic needs and loss of livelihoods, warns »

Health, International, Internet, Science & Technology

Patches and the medical advances of 3D printing

Patches is a 9-year-old who had a massive problem, one that would likely have killed her eventually. The small dachshund had a large tumour on the skull. Approached by a colleague at Cornell University in the U.S., it was decided »

International, Society

Backlash grows over Trump tweets on reporting sexual abuse

Women are flocking to social media to share their experiences of sexual assault and why they never reported it to police. This follows U.S. President Donald Trump’s tweet last Friday which suggested that if Christine Blasey Ford’s account “was as »

Arts & Entertainment, Economy, Immigration & Refugees, International, Society

British Home Child Day of Remembrance, in Toronto

British Home Children were a largely forgotten group of little immigrants to Canada. until recent years. Most Canadians have no knowledge of the program that brought over 100.000 children from England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales, most often as indentured labour »

Arts & Entertainment

Canada’s first professional Muslim theatre company launches in Montreal

Drawing on Montreal’s multicultural artistic talent, Canada’s first professional Muslim theatre company is set to make history Thursday, hoping to build bridges of understanding and dialogue with the wider Canadian society. The Silk Road Theatre is set to open its »

Health, Indigenous, Internet, Science & Technology, Politics, Society

Students walk-out protesting sex-ed repeal in Ontario

Students, 40,000 of them, from over 70 high schools across the province of Ontario, walked-out of class today to protest the new Conservative government‘s changes to the revised Sex Education curriculum. “Youth showing up for youth” Rayne Fisher-Wilson, a grade »

Economy, Health, International, Politics, Society

Tilray turmoil in the markets over cannabis stocks

Tilray Inc., the Nanaimo, British Columbia-based cannabis company, is on the verge of becoming a household name, certainly in Canada, where the coming legalization of cannabis is a major societal and business shift. Wednesday October 17, 2018 Cannabis was added »